kekeke... today, in facebook Mak Su tagged me in the 'kad raya' picture as I attaced above...
Thanks Mak Su and do forgive me for anything that I did wrong to you.
It's still is very early to send those 'Aidilfitri' thingy... but it's never is too early to seek for forgiveness and says sorry to anyone. So, therefore, oleh itu;
"Saya nak susun 10 jari, memohon maaf pada kenalan2," ^^~eye smile
Have you send any card raya to anyone?
I remembered the first time I received a card raya... it was from a primary school of mine... kekeke...
I remembered sending a card raya to my male friends... in the card I drew many characters of Naruto [because I knew that they liked Naruto so much]... they can't stopped smiling hehe ^^
wahhhh! really need some card raya and stamps right now... I miss my family and old friends... Although I know I can always call them but I just really miss them!