The reason he was sms'ing me was about the books that I've been offering to him before since I knew that he is going to take a degree in Medicine. Alhamdulillah, I'm happy for him. Degree of Medicine in USM, subhanallah...
I really don't want to get involved in his life. It makes me falling into pieces. This time around I wish I can be a more forward person. I know that the world doesn't revolve around me. And I know the world doesn't revolve around him either.
Last Sunday, her sister was back in Johore with her newly born son. Wow, subhanallah... He is an uncle now. He's taking the degree for five years and I wondered when will he planned to settle down. Do he really still have something with her till today. I really hope they can be together. I pity her. I know she will waits till the end of the world. As for him, that's what we call commitment. You ask for it, now you must answer the call.