hmm..It is now 11.35pm and my father isn't home yet. It's not a bad thing but it never failed to make me worry.
Since I heard he is driving the taxi again, I felt a relieved but it still worrisome for me. I remembered he used to call me a few years back, when he made a little accident every time he dozed off while driving~ he would have this trembling but a low tone in his voice and he said "kak yan, ayah accident lagi,". It will struck my heart but knowing that nothing happen to him, just that the taxi have to be fixed (and it will become more worrisome for him than me)~ I'll broke into silent tears.
I remembered, my first time of working.
I work as an operator in an oil factory~ on the very next day my body is aching and I had a slight fever but I kept it to myself. My father would first send me and my sister to the factory before finally off to work. In the car, I can see my father from the back. With the pain that I'm having because of work, I finally can see how my father have been enduring his pain while being the sole breadwinner of my family. I can finally understand what a single penny earned by one's hardship means.
Driving a taxi is not easy.
- The taxi that my father drive is not his~ therefore he must pay the rent of the taxi per day to the owner. ~therefore, whether he was able to find more customers or not, he must pay the taxi rent.
- Before he can drive a taxi he must first have a taxi license. He told me he spend about 1500++ for the license.
- When there is an accident~ my father had to pay for the 'fixing' part and sending the taxi to the workshop also means that his work will be pending. So while the taxi is being 'fixed', he can not earn anything.
- Accidents is likely to happen if you're easily dozing off while driving.
"Find a man with ambitions, not only a man with abilities. Because one day the abilities may dissapear..."
Money is not everything but everything needs money. One definition about money can be influenced by their environment, how they were raised, and their own experienced in life.
Seeing my father hardship in every single day make me wanna quick end up my student life and replace his place as soon as possible. My mother would always remind me "That's why, you should study harder and be successful. It is all that we have ever wanted from you,"
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Moonlight Sonata
No 27, 9