Bismillahir rahmanir rahim,
Well first of all, my first paper gonna be on this Friday. My heart will finally burst out of anxious and nervous. Oh!
Secondly, I felt extremely happy (plus a bit jealous) for my kuantan volleyballers friends (seniors) who were chosen for MASUM which will be in the middle of this year. Although I felt a little crush in my biggest organ inside me (which is my heart), I didn’t felt that sad because in May I should be at home (in Johor) because it's my semester break and usually I'm out for part time job. But deep inside me I did felt a little sadness because I really hope I can play for MASUM although I know others are better than me (what a self-centered person I am). But hey, volleyball is not everything (try to soothe myself~ luckily always work on me ^^) . I'm thrilled that I've done well in my clinical hours for this semester. So, I wish all the best for Gombak's players and Kuantan's players for this coming MASUM. A bit of advice:
"Be not afraid of greatness.
Some are born great.
Some achieve greatness.
And some have greatness thrust upon them," (copied, guess where hehe)
Last but not least, this coming 3rd of April, UMP (University Malaysia Pahang) going to be conducting a 4penjuru volleyball tournament and they've invited UIA to participate (always envied UMP's because they have permanent coach, but recently I felt lucky because 'payak' was willing to coach us for some basic thingy of volleyball). However, I think I have to pass because of my papers. Wise men said, some are born genius and that's not me (absolutely :ppp) . I have to work hard to be one. .:smile:. YY
p/s- MASUM, it's just not into you hehe ^^