Last monday, my department conducted an annual grand dinner celebrating our final fourth year seniors. As a tradition, the freshies will be conducting the dinner, and alhamdulillah they manage to do it properly. That night, the moment I arrived at the venue, I was mumbling to myself, "why am I here,", unfortunately Xana miller heard it and began to giggle. hehe, I'm not used to this kind of situation and my friend is having fun watching me mumbling to myself hehe. Well, eventually the night goes well. The part I love the most was the gimmick video prepared by them, and the part I hate the most was the food was not good~seriously. I'm not he kind of person that would be picky on food but telling you the truth, it was not appetizing. But, realizing that some people are starving at the other side of the world, at least I'm clearing my own plate.
Yesterday, it was my first clinical hour. My clinical partner was Ijat. My first impression towards the clinic was ~it's going to be challenging. I'm going to do a hearing test on real patient! I'm going to be nervous, I'm going to forget the procedures, my mind will black-out, my supervisors gonna be mad, and it's all gonna be DOOM...oh!
But the thing is all that nasty things only played in my heart and alhamdulillah, I manage to be calm, I did the procedure pretty well, my friend is doing a good job as well, my supervisors are always there guiding us. Alhamdulillah. Our first patient was Zudin, 1 year and 10 months, he had a normal physical dev but he had speech delay. The second patient was Aina, 11 months old girl. We were manage to carry out the hearing test on both of them although the first patient was difficult in maintaining good state of response that are crucial for the result. On the end of the clinical hours, one of our supervisors said surprisingly he was impressed with the way we conducted the hearing test for a first timer. Alhamdullillah, I'll take that as a challenge to be more better in the clinical hours in the future!
Finally, I'm able to concentrate on my final assignment~ case study of children with any physical, developmental, speech, or any other disorder. Hope for the best. "When you take things by heart, you'll always gonna make it!". Love yana, hwaiting!!