Saturday, May 28, 2011

IIUM Kuantan Mosque

A little update from Kuantan. is still as quiet as always. *Rasa mcm UIA Kuantan ni aku yang punyer haha~ :p

Do you see the mosque picture below? Don't look quite much right? well, blame my 2.0 megapixel Sony Ericsson phone cam for it... hehe

*it is still under construction

*IIUM Kuantan Mosque; mudah-mudahan cepat siap! :)

*back to my report and assignments! :)))

Industrial Training

So much I have to say but what I can conclude is; this Industrial Training was fun;
so many things to do, so many things to learn... I even skipped my evening volleyball training because I'm exhausted. But I received many positive things.

Student A: Yana ni workaholic...suka sangat buat keje;
Student B: haha~ Yana ni kelakar la; sakit perut tau.

I know that I'm not perfect in so much things related to clinics. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to try. I'll try, and I hope the supervisors will always point out my weakness so that I can learn what my mistakes are. Realizing one mistake is one thing, not making the same mistake ever again is another thing.

p/s~ I'm gonna have to continue my industrial training in another settings starting from this Monday. May Allah make my path as smooth as the first month I'm in JHC, aamin.