Yesterday, in my RKUD class, Uztaz said ~ "Philosophy is like mathematics; so 1 plus 1 is 2,". Hearing that, it kinda gave me some energy and spirits that I can again finally make it through this semester…again..Insyaallah, Lyanna-shii, hwaiting! ^^
(just have to take pediatrics in audiology, techniques in audiology, screening for hearing impaired, counseling in communication disorder, special needs and learning, to be similar to mathematics ~ 1 plus 1 there's just gonna be an answer..hehehe)
In the middle of the lectures he added "We're looking at the same world, but with different meaning to it,". This sentence make me wonder and ponder and finally I'm smiling on my own..again..^^ .:smile:.
After thinking earnestly about the sentence "the same world, but in different way of seeing it,". It always made me accept what I am today and what others are to me. Although sometime we seems to feel that we're in despair and gasping for air everyday going through with our lives nevertheless we're still in the same world. Without seeing akhirah as the main goal, we may lost our grasp. Nauzubillahi min zalik.
Just don’t run in facing anything. I always told myself; no need to run ~it'll happen anyway. Always told my mom ~ to keep holding on, I'm always here for her, except if my time is up. Always believe that my mom and my dad are there ~whenever I need them, whether the whole wide world doesn’t seem to need me anymore. Always gonna act strong and wise in front of my siblings ~teaching them that life can be tough and in the end of the day we (family) always gonna love you.
However, the thought of whoever we are, we still share the same world seems funny to me in certain conditions. For example, I realized some of my friends are head over heels in love with someone. Why do I feel funny about it?. Maybe because I never experience those kind of feelings before. Hehe. So it's quite hard for me to understand…I guess? Hehe. What? Jealous? Me, jealous? Hehe maybe…a little~ I guess, hehe^^ oh, and did I tell you, my beloved volleyball senior was married last Monday. Alhamdulillah, "ounnie, chukhahaeyo!!" \(>_<)/. I guess maybe being in love with someone is a great feeling. I remembered when I was little, my Uztaz told me, "Doesn't it feel wonderful when we were loved by someone? Then how would you feel when I tell you that Allah loved everyone who he put Islam in his heart? Isn't it suppose to be more wonderful? Being loved by Allah?" and to myself I was like "yes, Uztaz, indeed." (smiling to myself..again!)
Head over heel in "something" really gave me a good example of "the same small world, but with different view of it". To someone maybe that small tiny thing is a big deal to her and maybe to me the same thing doesn’t bring much concern. Maybe to anyone else, that small tiny thing is nothing to them but maybe it meant the whole wide world to me. See, how it can be different view? I hope I can always spare my time thinking deeply before making any assumptions upon anyone. Anyway, always enjoying smiling to myself whenever my friends tell me anything about (nearly about) anything..hehe..and I ended up being pinch or smack on the shoulder for smirking alone hehe ^^
p/s~ always loved smiling on my own thought..hehe ^^ loving it, parapapapa!