Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fancypants #3

Fancypants VS Yukail..
hehe.. Yukail is my little fancypants. Mr Fancypants is a whole different person. But both are lovable! 👼

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fancypants #2

Ada sebab kenapa aku panggil dia fancypants.

Seluar dia mmg "fancy"
Mana ade org lain yg pakai seluar corak kotak2 and still looks good with it? Mana ada? Mana ada!

So this other guy yang Dr. M perkenalkan kat aku whatsapp aku tengahari tadi.
Niat kawan2 aku pun balas la beb. Cam malu lak kalo buat bodoh je, macam rude and arrogant plak kan. So he's nice. Cuma pastu dia da tak mesej da ngn aku. Maybe dia realise sape la aku ni. Hitam, pendek, gemuk, dan tak menarik langsung. Haha.

It's okay. I still have fancypants. Though it's just a crush, it doesn't hurt at all.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mr Fancypants

Mr fancypants, seriously berbangga la sebab ni nickname paling "fancy" yg aku penah bagi kat org.