Tuesday, March 24, 2009

someone stole it from me...

i love sports...
recently, i lost my jersey... it is the first jersey that i had in uia... huhu... i washed it and hang it with my other clothes...and the next day, it's gone! to me, a jersey is not only a jersey...it means a lot to me...i hope the one who took it, will return it soon...am i asking to much? huhu huhu...


Anonymous said...

sorry dear..k.lin tahu.
The jersey mean a lot to u..
sorry for making you more sad..=(

Liyana Musa said...

yana..wah sedeynyer..kalau akak pun sedey..sabar yer..mudah-mudahan nanti jumpa..

yana best la lagu ni yana
yana, cam maner nak jadi follower yana ni?