I’ve read a blog of a friend to a friend of mine~ he wrote something about his family. He listed down his memorable memories in his childhood. Sweet and valuable. When I went through it, it makes me recall my treasured memories of childhood as well. Funny and silly memories of mine. Yes, fighting and being at each other’s throats is the bread and butter of siblings. In the end of the fights we always realize how much we hate and love each other. Hehe (n_n)
Frankly, there are times when I felt I'm falling apart because of my family. To my despair, I felt useless and I felt like I've done nothing that pleased my mom and my dad. Nevertheless, even though I felt I never done them proud, I believe that they are always proud of me in every little thing I've done that I didn’t realized.
Mughirah bin Shu'bah(ra) related that Rasulullah(saw) said, "verily, Allah forbids you from disobeying your parents."
General meaning; Allah commands every Muslim to care for his parents properly, with kindness and courtesy. We are to heed their advice. Never show our stubbornness and disobey them with harsh words. As their child, we should repay their kindness in providing for and bringing us up. To disobey our parents is a disgraceful act and a serious sin.(http://islamickids.tripod.com/hadith. html)
As I grew older (and as the oldest child in my family) I've learned that I must be strong for my mom, my dad, and siblings. I love you guys. Mama, ayah, iqah, hafiz, addin, nash, sai, hajar, and amir..Saranghae <3. Stay strong as you guys always do.
Truthfully, I am not as bright as others. I find myself struggling in every little, tiny, and small things in my studies. I don’t quite good at judging people but as for judging myself I've always put myself at the bottom. I'm lack of confident, social skills and self esteem. Alhamdulillah, although I always have no hope in myself but I always have faith in Allah. In my hardest time, I find the easiest way to get back on my feet again is by remembering You Allah…alhamdulillah…
It's easy to be sad. But Allah had mentioned in the Al-Quran, "La Tahzan" and emphasized the reasons not to be sad.
"Life is short than most have thought," (quoted from Maher Zain hehe). My only hope for myself and my family is that we can sail through this life with iman and ended this life in Iman. InsyaAllah.
p/s~ the despair, misery, depression, and disappointment that sometime we face in our life is actually the reaction of our body upon transition of one selves to a new stage of life (as we get older), a new environment (as we go places), and sign of maturity. That's my opinion. It just the matter of how we handle and cope with it… (many, did go insane~but if we have faith in Allah, He'll protect us)
"As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed as ignorant as you were at twenty-two, you'd always be twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it."
— Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson)
stay strong yana...and be stronger...
I will, insya Allah :h:
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