After one by one of my friends is leaving me for the mid-break, I felt like I'm getting hopeless and helpless. huhu.
I guess I have to list down my works...
- article reviewing~communication disorder presentation and reports,
- progressive hearing loss presentation and reports,
- EAP's animal testing homework,
- EAP's introduction draft,
- parenting essay.
To all my friends who are heading home right now, I wish you guys treasure every moment that you guys gonna spent with your love ones~family and friends. Life is shorter than most have thought.
To my family~ no matter how far I might be, I've always love you all. To Amir, sorry Kak yan can't be home this holiday~Amir must have been waiting for the KFC ayah's had promised right? sorry amir. To Adin, sorry Kak Yan cant be home and bring your things. I cant promised you guys that I'll be home this coming Chinese new year holiday. But insyaAllah I will.
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