Last friday was the third day I'm working in Lam Soon Edible Oil Sdn Bhd. I was in charge of bottle capping. Abg Zul and lao pan was helping me with the technical stuff at first. When I get the grip of how to handle the machine~ they would leave the machine on my responsibility.
The first one hour is okay, but then I lost my grip with the bottle and the machine. The bottle (with oil in it) was compressed and then the bottle "jumped" and the oil "fly" out and...you guess the rest.
Hahaha, I was covered with 'Naturel Canola Oil' from the top of my head.
Makcik 1: Ya Allah, kesian nya kau Dik...
Makcik 2: Dah, dah, awak pergi tandas dulu... (aku still terkebil2 kat situ)
Akak 1: Dik nanti kat tandas basuh cermin mata tu guna sabun nanti kelabu...
Akak 2: pergi tandas dulu dik...
Aku: Takpe kak, jap je lagi dah nak rehat. ^^
Makcik India: Mandi minyak ke!! hehe
It was a fun experience~ usually lao pan should get angry because the machine suppose to be operated non-stop~ the nature of 'keje kilang' haha. All the operators are helping me. I'm grateful.
Abg Zul was nice as ever.
Epik High
1 comment:
great experiences you have lyanna :))
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