"Better to write for yourself and have no public... than to write for the public and have no self," Cyril Connoly
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Charlie Brown!!!! :DDD
hihihihi...teringin nak buat macam ni kat semua lelaki yg suka kena kan aku...tahu la aku ni lurus, tak reti manja2, tak reti lawan cakap....pas ni siap la korang! #ke dlm mimpi je aku nak wat? :DDD
especially kepada "En. Hamzah" yg suka usik saya waktu volleyball tournament haritu...tapi takpe la; "naseb baik ko star ma..." pinjam ayat Ki Han (m'sia vball player)
mood; baca notes
background music; T-ara's Cry Cry Version 2 (best...try la dengar)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Pantun orang jauh...:)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Volleyball and Chocolate Chip Walnut Cake :)
Kali ni tournament closed Kuantan 2011..
Apa yang berlainan kali ni ialah kitorang dapat proper training daripada coach Mahmod.
Best la bila training ada coach ni :)
dapat jugak merasa ada coach mcm budak2 volleyball Gombak :ppp
Ada 6 group saje untuk team wanita;
- Marcella (team budak2 sekolah Sri Makhota ngan cikgu)
- Xyster (team projek Sukma bawah 16 tahun)
- UMP (team student yang tak grad2 lagi...haha)
- KAVA A (team project pahang)
- KAVA B (team project pahang gak)
- UIA (team kitorang ler)
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Team UIA sister; akhirnya Coach Mahmod nak jugak bergambar :))) ok, dari kiri (berdiri) Kak Aya, Aina, Coach, Yana, Kak Firuz dari kiri Una, Kak Syaja, Kak Riza, dan Kak Milin |
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Free style..oooooooo suka eh Coach!!! |
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Ni la dia team Marcella...diorang ni sporting :D Yang aku kenal, Aya (no 9), Una (sebelah dia), Mek (sebelah Una) :))) |
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Team UMP lelaki dan wanita...power sokmo diorang ni |
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hihi...first time dapat posing cenggini :))) |
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free style; tapi aku still skema gak :p |
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nampak tak budak yg berdiri berbaju biru tu....tu la Mudin anak coach; assistant coach yg suka buli kitorang haha! |
Yang diraikan Sis Azrita...gud luck sister! :) |
Lini, Needa, Ijat and Upie |
Tuan punya camera yang banyak manis |
Xana Miller, me, and ayu |
bersyukur sangat dengan detik2 indah bersama kwn2 volleyball and dearest audiologist-to-be batch 5 UIA...
alhamdulillah...lets create some more great memories guys!
plan terdekat------> tournament volleybal open Pahang! :DDD
Monday, November 28, 2011
"I'll Be" by Edwin Mccain
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
"The Call" by Regina Spektor
"Whatever It Takes" by Lifehouse
"All That You Are" by Goo Goo Dolls
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Airplane Goes Against The Wind
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford
Everything always seems to be against me... :) This Quote give me strength!
Good Mental Shampoo
"Everyday give yourself a good mental shampoo," Dr Sara Jordan
Be like a Postage Stamp :)
"Be like a postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there." - Josh Billings
Saturday, November 19, 2011
To Escape...
"People trapped in miserable livesalways talk about escaping. Few actually do it.It's easier just to close your eyes and pretendthe misery doesn't exist." Patrick Jane The Mentalist
It's easier just to close my eyes and pretend the misery doesn't exist. Because for now I don't have the power to fight or change it.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The world is never gonna be fair to you...live it
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Si Pelanduk...
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Garage Sale!
Kulliyah Interaction's Day (KID)

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tak baik tau...
Semester 7...haha
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
MASUM is over again...
this year MASUM, my senior, Kak rehe got to joined it! ^^
unfortunately for me...i'm having my industrial training since may...
huhu...maybe next time :)
however...here in Kuantan, we got a new coach.
introducing.....Coach Mahmod!
he's the best! I loss 3 kg in a week because of him :)
i like the way he approached each one of us. I hope I can learn many things pertaining volleyball from him.
at least kalau tak dapat jadi setanding dgn player2 legend di gombak, harap2 aku improve skill dan teknik dlm bermain bola tampar! :))) fighting!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Advice worth listening #3 Punish yourself

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
IIUM Kuantan Mosque
Industrial Training
Student A: Yana ni workaholic...suka sangat buat keje;Student B: haha~ Yana ni kelakar la; sakit perut tau.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
He did it again; (T_T)
“Mama, sabar eh…nanti kalo kakyan abes blaja, kakyan takkan tinggal kan mama…mama sabar eh”
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
orang dengki tengok kite selalu tersenyum?? why?

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Amir, where's Adin?
what i've only had as nightmares, once become reality...
Monday, January 10, 2011
AJL 25
Sunday, January 9, 2011
My dream...
Hehe…I remembered one person asking me what my dreams are…of course I didn’t answer immediately. Instead I asked about his dream first. ^^ he answered shortly that he don’t have one right now because he had just finished his diploma in business and he had jumping on different jobs lately. This young man was an acquaintance of me while I was working in a factory as an operator.
I said to him~ I really want to graduate and starts to work as soon as possible. Short and simple.
I asked “what?” (-____-)
“do you have boyfriend?”
“what…boyfriend? All of a sudden? You laughed at me just now!” *****oh, and I really did converse with him in English because he’s an Indian.
“you have one right?”
“no, I don’t,”
“ahhh…tipuuuu~~ tipu la…orang mcm you takkan la takde boyfriend,”
“betul la..tak caya sudah,”
“kenapa? You memilih eh…”
Wah sedap nyer ko cakap~~
“tak lah, in my religion, we have principal…ada peraturan…ada syarat…”
“ye ke? Abes kenapa I tengok ada je orang melayu yang tak pakai tudung?”
Haha~ orang melayu~~
“tak boleh la cakap macam tu… bukan salah Islam tapi salah orang islam tu sendiri kan…”
“but I don’t get it la…why you guys have to wear tudung hah? From what I can see I can guessed what… you punyer rambut panjang kan? Why your god ask to cover it?”
Tercengang aku dengar penyataan mamat tu…hah yana, macam mana ko nak jawab ni? Mama kat rumah… mama, kakyan nak jawab apa kat Indian boy ni?
“saya tak boleh la tanya kenapa peraturan tu ada… dan saya tak boleh la bagi tau awak rambut saya panjang ke pendek, kalau saya bagitau, buat ape saya tutup betul tak? Actually, my hair, my voice, everything on me except my face and my hands are to be covered. Ini semua in Islam kita panggil “aurah” ataupun makna bahasanya “rahsia”. Jadi, rambut saya panjang ke pendek itu rahsia saya la. awak faham?”
“wah, this is actually my first time orang bagitahu saya yang perempuan Islam tak boleh bagitahu rambut dia panjang ke pendek. Yang saya tahu mereka kena tutup je… ini first time saya dengar rambut tu rahsia,”
I just smiled with what he said. We talked a lot that day.
He was the one who said he figured me out as a person that will never be swayed by anything unless my main goal is achieved first. Nak kata aku lurus la tu…hehe
Nak deny pun tak boleh…sebab memang aku ni lurus sikit~~ kawan2 suke kena kan aku. Tapi aku tak kesah, sebab aku sayang diorang…diorang tak buli cuma usik2 je…
Pastu bila supervisor tanya apa azam baru~ aku jawab aku nak berusaha lebih dan increase confident in dealing with people. But actually I just wanted to do my best in my study, graduate, and serves people as soon as possible.
Semalam time tengok cerita Rapunzel ngan kawan2, hero cerita tu tanya kenapa Rapunzel looked not happy when she’s finally get to see the lanterns. Rapunzel said. (lebih kurang la mcm ni)
“I’m afraid…I afraid that this dream won’t be as what I thought it might be…and if it did, what will I do next eugene?”
“well, that’s the fun part of it…you can have a new dream~”
Hehe…aku suke tengok movie kartun Disney! (although orang kata Disney ngn Israel adalah sekufu). I won’t deny it, but at least I’m taking only good things from it. Insya allah~
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Azam Tahun Baru 2011 ^^