Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Penutup 2012

The most important thing that I learnt from 2012 is...

~when people cut connection with you..sooner or later they realize the missing puzzle..and they already felt awkward enough to suddenly put it back together~ *the missing puzzle they threw away~~

XOXO sentap away~~

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ramadhan is a Gift from Allah S.W.T

Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts" (Mustadrak al-Haakim).
And praise to The Most High, Alhamdulillah, we are still given the opportunity to be in it~ 

Ramadhan is a gift from Allah S.W.T as what Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan said... :)

The most precious thing that Allah gave to us (ummat Rasulullah S.A.W) along with Ramadhan is AL-QURAN.

Therefore in this holy month of Ramadhan lets strive for our 5 goals; [as stated by our Abah 354]

  1. Strive for the success of Fasting.
  2. Strive for the success of Tarawih praying.
  3. Strive for the success of Reciting the Al-Quran.
  4. Strive for the success of searching for the night of Qodr [Lailatul Qodr).
  5. Strive for the success of settlements of Zakat Fitr.

I've been reading blogs and watch some videos during Ramadhan and some of the interesting ones are

(1) Blog: Ramadhan 2012 begins; this blog got a lot of big-nice-pic-cha! about Ramadhan~  

(2) Dr.Cinta punya blog: about updating your softwares

(3) Along Fina is giving Topup raya to those lucky 3!! :) #follow her new blog

"Saya menyarankan anda semua untuk ke blog baru AlongFina di http://alongfina.blogspot.com untuk menyertai contest Top-up RM10 kepada 3 Orang Follower Bertuah"

sooo go for it~

(4) awesome lectures aespecially by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan. Most of the quran recitation and hadist are already being mangkul to me, so I can relate :)))

some good lectures regarding Ramadhan:

Tarawikh; is it 8 or 20 rakaat?

p/s: "Allah has give us so much, and He's just asking for a little from us~" 

Monday, July 9, 2012

My new k-drama list :)

currently watching these two drama!

1. Ghost.. or Phantom starring So Ji Sub and Lee Yeon Hee.

2. I DO, I DO.. starring Kim Sun Ah and newcomer :)

keh3.. I don't know the name of the lead actor in I DO, I DO.. I'll google it later.
For now I going to get some sleep :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

So Ji Sub is lonely?

yeah.. he's the rapper in this song..
his rapper name is G
when talking bout LONELY, in korean culture, suicidal feeling is one of the most common thing.
even so ji sub oppa lost his best friend, Park Yong Ha that committed suicide.
really hope he can hold on in his life, wishing his the best though he's a korean. 
not being judgy or something..

SO JI SUB...loved everything about him,
his figure, his eyes, his lips, his VOICE, his acting...EVERYTHING!

so far I watched some of his drama :)
1. Mian Saranghe
2. Cain and Abel
3. Glass Slippers
4. Ghost (current one!)

told Ika that we will be looking for him once we visit Korea!
so, So Ji Sub-shii~ sit tight! wait for us! hwaiting! :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rooftop Prince

 Nak hupdate pasal cerita Rooftop Prince.. tapiiiiii

Maybe lain kali kowt..

Konklusinya, cerita ni best giler!

Untuk yang pernah mencintai sesorang dari jauh.. diam2 ubi berisi, diam2 besi berkarat, bak kata org.. mmg sesuai..

Untuk yang minat tengok drama nanges2.. cerita niy mmg tuk korang..

aku, asalkan jalan cerita menarek, biarpun hero tak hensem, heroin tak cantik.. semua aku layan~ :)

p/s- icon kat sebelah kiri ni aku lukis sempena cerita rooftop prince la..hehe..

cerita niy maybe berdasarkan webtoon.. aku pakai Paint je..jd tak la secantik webtoon original cerita ni..

sila rujuk webtoon original dia di bawah ni :)))

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jemari Yang Runcing Itu...

Lihat jari jemari yang cantik itu.. (aku mmg suka hias blog dgn gambar2 yg cantik niyy)
confirm and for sure la... itu bukan jari-jemari ku dik oiii~

So apa cerita jari-jemari ni?
Perihal jari-jemari.. aku nekad nak kuruskan jari-jemari aku niyy..
sebab ada orang kata jari-jemari gemok tak sesuai set bola~~~ hahaha~ :D

tapi yg penting aku "boleh la" set bola~ :))) heeeee...syukur alhamdulillah~

so things to ponder untuk entry kali niy ialah

  1. yana tekad nak kurus~ yeah~~
  2. nak improve lagi skill settings... i boleh jadi setter taw; cuma coach tak iktiraf je..haha
  3. cantik kan jemari di atas tuu... siapa la empunya bdn tu~ ^^

Monday, May 21, 2012

Net yg tinggi itu...

Petang tadiyy............. (nak ckp pasal volleyball~~ suko la tuu)

Akhirnya, ada juga saat aku berbahagia... :)

Petang tadi ada frenly match ngn UMP......wah dasyat nyer...frenly ngn UMP yg power tu??

hehe...happy sebab dapat maen elok..hihi
dapat spike ngn baik kat net yg tinggi tu...
tinggi la dr net wanita...

I'll carry this happy feeling sampai abes exam sem niyyy~~~

things to ponder:

  1. baru tawu...Dila Ahmad player UMP tu baru 2nd year...sbb dia amek diploma dan sekarang ni dia sambung degree kat UMP...(nabil bgtau aku..haha)
  2. nabil pun dak UMP...nama btul nabila.
  3. yana dah ley lompat tinggi tau sekarang coach :p

p/s- nak update psl finale The Vampire Diaries S3 dgn Criminal Minds S7...maybe sok-sok kowt :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

#sentap bhgn 2 (-____-)

Okayyyyy.. kisah ni berlaku even before kisah "yer~ sy mmg cpt sentap" tu...
Tak sentap sangat sebenarnya tapi saje kongsi..nanti boleh buat cerita "geli-geli" time tua2 teringat time muda2.

Al-kisah..tak ingat berapa haribulan tapi pagi tu giliran aku dan xana clinic kat hospital...
cam biasa aku naek bas awal sikit sbb nak beli breakfast.. (sandwich RM1 kat Jalan Hospital Campus IIUM)..

Sampai je kat Unit telinga, hidung dan tekak HTAA.. mcm biasa, breakfast cpt2 (before En. S dan Cik B datang pantau)..
Pastu calibrate equipment..
Siap semua.. aku pun pergi ke washroom sementara 'kawan2' clinic yg laen belum sampai lagi.
As aku kluar dari washroom, aku gi la bilik adult testing...
Soo, Rizal, J, dan A ada disitu.. azie takde..xana pun takde..

"mana azie??"...aku tanya sambil jenguk2 kat bilik testing ABR, dan children..langsung tak nampak kelibat azie......
Soalan tak diendahkan J dan A...apatah lagi Rizal...
........(-___-)..... "okay, fine, takpe..jap lagi nampak la azie.."

"rizal, wat la something," ~J

"nak wat ape?" ~rizal

"nape niyy? nak wat ape?" ~aku pandang J, A, dan Rizal gilir2..

Tapi mcm biase la... soalan aku tak diendahkan.. diorang wat dek je..
.....(-___-)..... dlm hati aku "hmm...takpe la tak penting kot,"

Tetibe Xana muncul..oo rupenye dia pegi washroom jugak..

"xana, cpt xana" ~A

.............aku dlm hati..."okayy...xana pun tahu...mmm..diorang ckp pasal ape sbnrnye?"

Tibe2..(kali ni takde la kire 123 tuuu..)..J batuk2, dan wat2 pengsan smbil duduk..
xana dan A..wat2 panik.. "eh, J, J, kenapa ni...J!" xana berlari mendapatkan Cik B dalam bilik supervisor..

............aku dlm hati... "owh?? kenapa niyy? kenapa dengan J? dia sakit btul ke???"

lepas tu Cik B datang..Cik B mmg kelihatan panik betul..

...................aku dlm hati... "owh?? diorang tengah berlatih CPR kowt? first aid?? aku kna wat ape ni?" aku pun panik weyyy...

Cik B tanya mcm2...kenapa dgn J..dia ada bawak inhaler tak?..etc..etc..
pastu Cik B lari nak wat panggilan kecemasan...
once Cik B keluar dr bilik adult testing... J bangun dan jerit~~~


"Happy Birthday to You 2x..Happy Birthday to Cik B..Happy Birthday to You!!," ...xana, J, dan A nyanyi ikut rentak lagu Happy Birthday...

Azie keluar dr bilik Children testing dengan kek..di ikuti oleh Cik S dan Cik Speechy..

Cik B nanges terduduk dengan surprise tu.....DAN...pd masa yg sama aku pun rasa cam nak nanges sbb smpai hati diorg tak explain sikit pun kat aku...SIKIT PUN..

.......(T____T).......tp still dlm hati aku "owhhh...birthday Cik B rupanya...okayy, takper la aku tak tau apa2 pun..takper..it's okay...i'm fine.." .......alaaa..takkan ni pun nak sentap???

so kitorang pun dapat la mkn kek birthday Cik B... ~yeaaahh~ (-__-) dlm hati... tapi muka mkn kek (^__^)
~kena happy..kena happy..jgn spoil birthday orang...

aku tak lah 'sentap' sangat...cuma sampai hati ek J dan A sikit pun tak explain kat aku lepas tu...

at least ckp la~~ "yana, sorry la...kitorang tak sempat nak explain tadi...kitorang takut Cik B tawu pulak,"

atau pun ckp la.. "yana..sorry la kitorang tak sempat nak bgtau tadi...kitorang nak cpt...tak sempat nak bgtau,"

atau apa2 je laaa~

tapi Azie sempat ckp ngn aku.."aku tengah pegang kek belakang pintu bilik paed tu...ko tak nampak ke aku,haha...time ko carik aku, aku betul2 belakang pintu.." --------------> tengok, kalau Azie can say something, why you guys can't???!

"TAK PAYAH NAK SENTAP SANGAT LA MAK CIK," tetiba tweet itu terngiang-ngiang... (-___-) 

things to ponder:

  1. takkan pasal niy pun yana nak sentap?
  2. ko tak ingat tarikh kejadian?? nampak noh ko tak ingat pun tarikh birthday Cik B... haha~
  3. Azie okayyyy je...kenapa korang yg dulu lagi rapat dgn yana buat dia mcm tu??
  4. sebab kesalahan-nya...semua kenangan dan memori dia sebagai 'kawan' kini lenyap..kenapa begitu?
  5. best la buat birthday surprise!  (seyesly...nak buat satu untuk mama dan ayah!)
  6. hmmm...betul kate tweet yg last tu...xpyh nak sentap sgt la makcik..

Friday, May 18, 2012

(--____--)''~yer, sy mmg cpt sentap

Putus asa..
putus asa untuk menjernihkan keadaan.. (tapi masalahnya dah nak grad niyyy..)
betul kata orang tua, mengalah itu perlu..

"ada masalah? confront it.. minta maaf.. mengalah bukan bererti kalah.."

tapi kali ini.. nak mengalah pun dah tak layak..
aku bukan jenis orang yang berdendam..tp kali ni nk minta maaf pun rase tak layak..
aku mengaku mmg aku orang yang senang berkecil hati..senang 'sentap' bak kata orang sekarang..

"sikit2 nak sentap!" .. (-___-) ~yer sy mmg cpt sentap...

tapi bila difikirkan..sebenarnya entah apa yg berlaku..
tapi terlalu zalim apabila mula tidak berbicara, mula tidak mengendahkan soalan..

time family day/gathering kat balok tu ada juga cubaan menjernihkan keadaan ---> "H, tau tak pokok ni pokok ape??"...aku bertanya sambil tersenyum.. (^___^)
H menjawab tanpa memandang wajah ku sambil membuat benda lain "hmmm..entah la.."... 
i was like..."what?..seriously??..you avoid talking to me??" (T___T) *felt like crying*

okay..that's fine..until..aku menghilang sekejap untuk ke tandas..
sekembalinya dari tandas, diorang kecoh2 cakap 4th year nak wat persembahan untuk lecturer mse time audiology family day/gathering ..tapi sorang pun tak tergesa-gesa nak explain situation ngn aku...
dalam kiraan 3 tibe2...
"1, 2, 3.!!!"
"We wish you a Happy Teacher's Day..we wish you a happy teacher's day..and a happy sth sth sth," (ikut nada lagu 'we wish you a merry christmast)..............peh, mcm ni sape tak sentap? aku mmg sentap la mak.

in the end dlm kete...[yg aku tumpang..yg byk dah tolong aku over this pass 4 years]...
normal conversation was attempted by A----> "hmm..korang berdua nak makan apa?"...
H and F jawab "kitorang nak fold-over,"...
lepas tu in separate question.."Yana nak makan apa?"
kebetulan tak bawak duit..."takper la..lgpun yana tak bwk duit.."
I was like "kenapa tak tanya --->korang nak makan apa?...kenapa perlu korang berdua nk makan ape?"..
tapi tak nak keruhkan keadaan aku pun relax je ar...sentap2 dlm hati jek..

balik tu mmg *felt like crying...
therefore, mengadap laptop dan taip status kat fb, dgn tweet kat twitter yg berbunyik;

"People treat you like 'crap', when you behave like one...don't blame them yna..it's your fault,"

seyesly; status@tweet di atas mmg mengeruhkan lagi keadaan yg dah tak berapa nak jernih antara aku dan mereka...umpama mencurah petrol ke atas api yg baru nak hidup~

sejak dari saat itu...no more talking...

muhasabah ----> sila baca balik karangan di atas..especially part status@tweet tuuu ---> MMG SALAH KO SENDIRI..PADAN MUKA

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mood changer

"You don't know you beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful,"

haha..perasan ;p xbley blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Tadi dengar lagu Maroon 5 ft Wiz Khalifa tajuk Payphone..

Teringat zaman guna payphone dulu.. sebab ayah tak install phone kat rumah. So, apa-apa mesti guna payphone call handphone ayah atau handphone mama..dulu 30sen tu dah kira lama la dapat berbual.

Menariknya, aku start pakai handphone lepas SPM. Siap tekad nak beli model phone macam korea..waktu famous jenis handphone yg tutup bukak tu..haha~ suka hati je letak nama.. nak dipendekkan cerita, ayah yang tolong carikan..so my first phone was a Samsung..tak ingat model apa..harga 400 something..first gaji keje kat kantin kilang dengan kak Yasmin. :)

So.. berbalik semula perihal payphone. Detik paling best kenangan guna payphone ni ialah aku call ayah untuk bagitahu kat dia aku dapat 5A untuk UPSR! wah!!..best kan..mesti ayah bangga dengan Yan waktu tu kan? Pastu ayah tanya kakyan nak masuk asrama tak? Yan cakap "nak! kakyan nak masuk STF," heeee...ayah ingat tak?

My world still revolve around my parents. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Good human being~

Target Keberhasilan Remaja Jemaah;

1. Baek akhlaqnya (Kitabul Adab)

2. Faham agamanya.

3. Sukses dunianya.

Nah, mudahkan.. Insya Allah! :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

punish yourself

ingat tak aku pernah buat entry pasal 'punish yourself' so you wont repeat the same mistake..

well teringat waktu training ngn coach Amir..
takde 1st ball.. ketuk ketampi..
takde setting.. ketuk ketampi..
takde spiking.. ketuk ketampi..

mmg terkesan la.. lenguh kat kaki 5 hari baru hilang.. naik turun tangga mmg mengucap saje.. :)

mudah2an 1st ball makin cantik, setting makin cantik, dan spiking makin cantik.. amin~

*thanks coach~

Kangen karo Mama! (Rindu sama Mama)

Baru lepas rindu kat mama tadi..
haah, still kat Kuantan tak balik-balik lagi.
Tadi, hantar mesej kat mama

"Kangen karo kue,"

mama tak reply.. malah aku yg call.. haha.. mama kata "Jawa mane dah lekat dengan ko ni Yan,".. haha~ instead of "ko lekat dengan Jawa mana ni Yan?" aduhai, mama... siapa la yg nak kat anak mama sorang ni~~ blum lg kowt.

BTW, nama dalam IC - Nurul Lyanna Bte Abd Talib.. takde bunyi jawa kan?
tapi mama, ayah, adik2, atok-nenek-buyut, pokcik, mokcik, semua panggil "Yan" ~ ada juga la bunyi jawa nyer kan? :))))

mama kate mama  tgh bual2 dengan atok mak ngan mak uteh.. oh, mama kat umah atok mak rupanya.
aku pesan kat mama suh titip salam kat atok mak.. mama terus je smpaikan~
terdengar suara atok mak yg ckp.. "lama tak nampak muka Yan," ~mama smpaikan sekali lagi kat aku.
aku jawab "makin Cun Tok,".. mama gelak2, atok mak balas "perasan!" ~haha

hilang sekejap stress di jiwa dek penangan thesis-writing, poster-presentation, thesis-defend-viva, cinta-tak-berbalas......haha, part cinta-tak-berbalas tu mmg takley bla okeyy~

Balik ke alam kenyataan~ kadang-kadang kita tak boleh terlalu berharap.. walaupun kdg2 orang lain yg memberi kita harapan tuu~

Bila berbual dengan mama, rasa macam nak balik sekarang juga. Tapi mama selalu pesan, kalau takde apa-apa tak payah la balik..pegi-balik pun pakai duit juga.

itu yang mama selalu pesan.. apa yg yan takut, yan takut nanti kalau dah keje pun yan tak dapat luang masa untuk mama...

jadi, yan akan sentiasa doa supaya Allah panjangkan usia mama, ayah, adik2, dan yan... mudah2an Allah longgarkan lagi masa untuk yan, mama, ayah dan adik2...

adik2 pun dah mula tinggalkan rumah.. ada yg keje, ada yg kolej.. yan mampu tersenyum je tengok adik2 membesar..

yan sayang mama.. syg sgt!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Celebrity Crush : Joseph Morgan

hehe; I've told ya I have things with guys with dimples and blue eyes! :p
hihi; the problem is, I love him even before I saw his dimples....#aaaah! :DDDD

Caroline and Klaus

If it took 3 season to wait for that perfect moment for Damon to finally kiss Elena; I wonder how long will it take for the first perfect kiss of  Klaus and Caroline :)))


Spoiler Alert! Vampire Diaries Boss Spills on Surprising New Romance!
Thu., Jan. 12, 2012 8:00 PM PST by TIERNEY BRICKER

Candice Accola, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, Joseph Morgan

Um, raise your hand if you didn't see that coming!

Talk about chemistry! Leave it to The Vampire Diaries to bring two characters we would have never pictured as a romantic pairing, in this case hyrbrid extraordinaire Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and fan favorite vamp Caroline (Candice Accola), together in an incredibly powerful and seductive scene, causing us to give them a couple name: Klausoline. Yeah, it could use a little work.

So is TVD planning on going there with Klaus and Caroline (who would totally win Mystic Fall's hottest blond vamp couple ever, by the way)? Here's what executive producer Julie Plec exclusively tells us...

Despite that scene, which Plec describes as "really powerful and, in a very weird way, so seductive and so sexy," she tells us "there's nothing to talk about" when it comes to Klaus and Caroline...yet.

"It's this very intimate conversation between the two of them about what it means to have eternal life, and I think we can safely say that possibly after that scene Caroline has caught the attention of Klaus a little bit." Aw, is Klaus going to have a bit of a crush on our favorite blonde? Sounds like it's possible and we love it!

Still, Plec says, "It's not something we'll play right away or ever, but they had a connection that did not go unnoticed by him, at least in his mind, not necessarily in her's."

It's been reported that Klaus will be getting a love interest later this season, but it doesn't mean that he'll be actually be receiving any love. "I think Klaus has to be worthy of love in his actions before we overtly or deliberately put love in his life," Plec teases. "But that doesn't mean he can't think he's falling for someone who might look at him and say, 'Absolutely not' or 'Hmmm...maybe!'"

And how Plec says Caroline would look at Klaus? "Certainly, Caroline as we know her today would be like, 'Ew!' But it's a long season. There's a lot of episodes left, so you never know."

Of course, when we chatted with Accola we had to ask her thoughts on a possible Klaus and Caroline romance. For valid reasons, she's a little wary. "I think it would on very odd terms in which they would have much to talk about considering that he's been the death and the destruction amongst the entirety of her life between her friends and their family and the town that she's grown up in. I don't think that that would be the best icebreaker on the first date. Who knows what kind of love interest the writers have up their sleeves for Klaus?"

So how does Morgan feel about the new development? "I think at the moment it's started as a sort of as an infatuation. I think he's been around for a thousand years, so he struggles to find something new and something that will entertain and interest him after that amount of time," he tells us. "One of the things he really thrives on is to be a mentor figure. So she's a new vampire, she's sexy, she's interesting, but she's conflicted about being a vampire. She has a lot of father issues and there's a parallel there with Klaus' father issues. There's something instantly that they can relate to each other."

While there would be a lot of obstacles in their way, Morgan says there is one thing that Klaus could use to win Caroline over. "I think that there's something to be gained by him from this relationship that's sort of by being able to show her the positive of being a vampire, that there's all these things out there that you can be a part of an indulge in. It's giving her a perspective she maybe hasn't seen before. I feel like if anything is going to be his ticket to her heart or to her favor, it's going to be that."

So is Caroline the love interest for Klaus that's been teased for a few weeks now? "I can safely say that one episode isn't going to win anyone over. I'd love to confirm that, but I don't think I can," Morgan coyly says. "There's other elements that come into play. Yes, he is going to get a love interest, but it's a little more complex than that. I don't want to open your Christmas presents for you. There's a definite interest there from him, let's say that."

So what do you think, TVD fans: Would you be down with a Klaus and Caroline pairing? Are you hoping the show actually goes there? Sound off in the comments!

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/news/watch_with_kristin/spoiler_alert_vampire_diaries_boss/285918#ixzz1mA0DS98o

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just watched Ally's Iskandar's wedding photos with his wife Farah Lee. They look so good together! o.m.g :))) And as a normal woman, I did a little digging on Farah Lee's background. She's wonderful. She had a personal blog, a beautiful one-pulak tu~ Inspirational! But she did'nt update about her wedding yet. What so wonderful about her is, she's a simple muslim girl that can write good stuff. She's very serious in Da'ie and dakwah. I should learn more from her. I've read some of her entry and I fall in love with this post; "Bakal Suami", she said;

"Bagi saya suami adalah segala-galanya selepas Allah dan Rasul saw, tidak utuh saya bazirkan cinta kepada lelaki lain kalau akhirnya nanti saya bakal sehidup semati, bersusah senang dengan saya adalah suami saya? yang lebih berat, wajarkah saya memberi sedikit cinta saya kepada lelaki lain sedangkan ang akan menanggung dosa saya nanti adalah suami saya?"

"kami tidak akan ucapkan perkataan 'cinta' kepada mana-mana lelaki ajnabi kerana... kami simpan perkataan itu untuk diucapkan kepada bakal suami kami."

She's good~ :)))

Below is the picture from her blog too;

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

He giggled, He chuckled, I nearly choked…

[Smirk] What will someone read between these lines?
"He giggled, he chuckled, I nearly choked…"
Miss A would suggest, there she goes falling in love again.
Well, sorry to disappoint you but "nope"…[haha]
This was a body language that I read from someone because he found "the matter" he just spoke was crazily funny but I was embarrassed by it. Not a "good one" but a throw-me-into-the-ditch kind of embarrassment.
People always quotes that nobody's perfect but this particular person is some kind of narcissist [well at least what I thought he was cause I'm a no FBI-profiler material]. But all due respect he is someone that I really respect because of his position in the educational system and the knowledge that he posses. It's always his demeanor that some kind of struck me in the heart because respect is to be earned remember?
Back to me; I'm still a self-loathing person but not a "ugly-grooming-my-barbie -doll" kind of self-loathing. I still loved myself but I hate myself for not trying harder to achieve greater things in my life to avoid all these hateful circumstances in life. I hate to hear people criticized or mock me. They were like
"Cockroaches; You kill one, and then three more pop ups in its place,"
But hey, where's that wall-like-face Lyanna go? You should stay stronger and carry on with life. If anyone could matter right now, I would only be my parents and my siblings. If anyone should be making you head-over-heels in the moment right now, it should be my parents, my siblings, and baby Nurul Iman Humairah….NO "boy-wander-doctor-wannabe" can stop me…or his" 23-year-old-cousin-struck-by-a-love-at-first-side-I-don't-know-since-when" gonna halt me.
It had gotten me since childhood that, I may be friendly-if-you-know-me and approachable-if-you-know-how and liking-lovey-dovey-stuff and listening to love-define-well written & composed songs, but I don't mingles with boys if I have absolutely no business with them…And Love is not a business, okay.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Quotes #26

She stated that she didn't started it...oh heaven, I knew I'm the one to blame; coz I'm the one singing at 10 a.m while you just started to look at ur books!........oh, of course I remembered. That's why I didn't mind you singing; coz I love singing; why do I have to take that from you!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Quotes #24

"Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today," Author James T. McCay

p/s- cited by Dr. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds 06x16)
this is the first and second reason why I loved watching Criminal mind; #1-Quotes #2-Reid!!! <333

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yoga poses :)))

Yoga poses; gambar sebenar

Did some yoga poses this morning... :)))

The actual picture of the yoga poses are as above.
However I did a little sketches on my wall paper so that I can do it everyday... :)))

Yoga poses; sketches yg menghiasi dinding ku :)

Ada sesetengah pendapat kata kita tak boleh buat gerakan yoga ni...diorang kata Yoga berasal dari agama hindu dan gerakan2 nya membawa maksud2 tertentu, tapi tidak kah kita sedar bahawa agama di sisi Allah adalah Islam, sebelum wujud nya agama yang lain seperti hindu atau buddha (dan lain sebagainya), bukan kah Islam yang sudah mendahului....sebenarnya gerakan2 yoga ni kita boleh alter...sebagai contoh; biasanya setiap gerakan yoga ni mengambil masa selama seminit ke dua minit... therefore sambil
kita gerak-gerak kan bdn kita ni, kita boleh berzikir; kan ada ayat yg mengatakan:

“Orang yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa mereka berdiri, duduk dan berbaring mengiring, dan mereka pula memikirkan tentang kejadian langit dan bumi (sambil berkata): Wahai Tuhan kami! Tidaklah engkau menjadikan semuanya ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari azab neraka.” Surah Al Imran Ayat 191

Jadi, apa2 pun yg kita lakukan tak akan jadi sia-sia kalau kita niat untuk ibadah :) bukan niat untuk menyembah kejadian selain ALLAH :)