Saturday, February 6, 2010

Advice worth listening #1

"Tough time doesn't stay, but tough people do,"
I heard this saying from a friend to a friend of a friend of mine.(^^)
Maybe some may ask "why me?" "why it have to be me?" "why?"
But let ask ourselves again, "why shouldn't it be me?" "why shouldn't it be us?". Everything happen for a reason. I believe I shouldn't be harsh to anyone. Although I'm not doing things as what I desired, I shouldn't be harsh on myself. Although other people doesn't seem to do well in something, I shouldn't be harsh on them too. I really hope no one is being harsh on my siblings no matter what their mistake were. Mistakes were meant to be corrected. Nobody is perfect. Well, almost nobody. Being harsh and being firm are two different thing. One can make someone felt like dying and another one can make someone learn making amendments from their mistakes.