Thursday, February 11, 2010

"I'm home"

Insya Allah I will be "sailing" back home this Saturday. It's been a while now. ^^
Missing all my family members. Although the holiday kinda short but at least I'm not gonna be homesick anymore. :heart:

The only thing I hate 'bout going back home is I hate buses. huhu. I'll develop these "motion-sickness" all the way through the journey. huhu.

Nevertheless, I'm glad I'm gonna be home this weekend. My brothers are having their football tournament and all of us will be there, insyaallah. I miss my mom and Amir.

p/s~ Amir called me and said "lamanya...lamanya baru kakyan balik, esok pegi KFC eh". I was like "okay, amir tuggu kakyan eh..." hehe.