Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eid 2010

Alhamdulillah, praises to Allah that I am still able to celebrate Aidilfitri this year. ^^

As usual we started the first Syawal to Mak tok's house~ then we headed to Kampung Melayu to Atok Mak's house and finally we're off to Parit Raja, Batu Pahat to Nenek Mardhiah house~

Extremely happy to see my cousins, nieces, and nephews!!

p/s~ I got the most duit raya compared to all my siblings...even my second sister doesn't get the duit raya because people mistook her as the first child.. hehe ^^

Naseb baik chika okay jer... no hard feelings ya!

To all makcik2 and pakcik2 yg bg sy duit raya ~terima kasih and hmmm saya anak sulung!!! bukan anak ke2... hehe^^

tapi apa2 pun "kechik tapak tangan, nyiru saya tadahkan,"

to adik2~ hari raya is not just about "duit raya" and "balik kampung" ok... salam atok tu puas2..^^

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